Born in England to Irish parents, I came to Canada when I was 9 years’ old. As early as I can remember, I have considered myself an artist. But it wasn’t until my 20’s, working as a legal assistant by day in Toronto, that I began to seriously pursue the study of art in the evenings. That educational journey lasted four years and began with fashion design courses that segued into fashion illustration courses at the Ontario College of Art (now OCAD) and fine art classes wherever I could. I decided that painting acrylic-on-canvas was my favorite means of artistic expression and started to accept commissioned work and eventually began exhibiting in shows in galleries. I have also been fortunate to have experience conducting environmental research, specifically with regard to household waste and recycling. Many years later, and now a mother, I still feel the same way about painting and have combined that passion with my desire to reduce my individual carbon footprint and take personal responsibility for the conveniences I enjoy.
My lifelong education in art continues today because of my work with young small children and those with special needs. It is my wish to inspire others to be resourceful, creative and expressive through art.